transmission deluge

Open source, cross-platform BitTorrent client. Site includes screenshots, FAQ and community forums.

相關軟體 BitTorrent 下載

BitTorrent is a torrent client for sharing data via the BitTorrent protocol. The software enables users to share, search, download and upload application, music, video, document, picture and other fil...

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  • Open source, cross-platform BitTorrent client. Site includes screenshots, FAQ and communit...
    Deluge - Official Site
  • Hi, I'll start by voting and telling my reasons, you do the same: Deluge pros: 1. A so...
    Deluge VS Transmission - Ubuntu Forums
  • Deluge is separated into a daemon and different UIs (usually web and GTK). I found strange...
    Deluge vs Transmission : linux
  • These two applications have a completely different approach on how a torrent client applic...
    Deluge vs Transmission | woGue - Worldofgnome
  • Hey, is it possible to move unfinished download from Transmission v1.42 to Deluge v0.5.9.3...
    Moving unfinished download from Transmission to Deluge - Deluge Forum
  • 2015年8月10日 - 因为某PT 不再支持Transmission,否则我才懒得折腾。怎么换?你知道我的NAS 系统是OMV(OpenMediaVault),索性就找找软件源...
    NAS 上用Deluge 换掉Transmission - plum's blog
  • Plugins usually create, manipulate or download entries but they can also change how FlexGe...
    Plugins - FlexGet
  • which one of these do you prefer to use for your seedbox? from what I can tell (still n00b...
    ruTorrent vs. Deluge vs. Transmission (for seedbox usage) : ...
  • which one of these do you prefer to use for your seedbox? from what I can tell (still n00b...
    ruTorrent vs. Deluge vs. Transmission (for seedbox usage) : seedboxes
  • Looking for a nice and complete blocklist for Transmission or Deluge can be a pain, especi...
    The best Free Blocklist for Transmission Deluge to keep you safe ...
  • 2016年9月4日 - Transmission (Windows/Mac/Linux): Transmission is in this roundup for ... but...
    Torrenting Showdown: Transmission vs qBitorrent vs µTorrent
  • Feature Spotlight: Uses fewer resources than other clients Native Mac, GTK+ and Qt GUI cli...
  • Comparison of Transmission vs Deluge detailed comparison as of 2017 and their Pros/Cons .....
    Transmission vs Deluge detailed comparison as of 2017 - ...
  • Deluge is free, ad-less and open source software licensed under GPL with source code avail...
    Transmission vs Deluge detailed comparison as of 2017 - Slant
  • I’ve been using Transmission (OS X) for as long as I can remember. However, after the last...
    Transmission vs Deluge vs rtorrent | Wootables
  • I hear a lot of hype about Deluge, but if it doesn't have RSS feeds, I'm not sure ...
    Transmission vs Deluge [Newbie Question] : seedboxes - Reddit
  • How come Transmission seems so dominant on several Linux distro's and is default on Ub...
    Why is Transmission so dominant on Linux. - Deluge Forum
  • Hi, I have been playing around with BT clients on Linux and it's obvious to me Deluge ...
    Why is Transmission so dominant on Linux. - Deluge Forum ...